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- SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co ("SP&Co" or the "Firm") comprises and refers to the legal practice and the consultancy and associated services practice of SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co LLC (a regulated Law Firm), SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co (Corporate Services) Ltd & SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co Consultants Ltd (Malta) (regulated Fiduciary – Corporate Services Providers), each a separate legal entity and, together with other entities, each a member of SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co International, a Swiss Verein. SCORDIS, PAPAPETROU & Co LLC is a Lawyers’ Limited Liability Company (Reg. No. 221102) with its registered office at 30 Karpenisi Street, 1077 Nicosia, Cyprus and regulated by the Cyprus Law Council and the Cyprus Bar Association (Reg. No. 003).
- In accordance with the common terminology used in professional organizations, the word "partner" is used in this Website to describe a partner or member of SP&Co or any of their affiliated entities or any of their employees or consultants with equivalent standing or qualifications. Similarly, refernce to an "office" means an office of any such entity. For more information see other pages on this Website.